W koszyku
Insect homes / Bobbie Kalman & John Crossinghan. - Ontario : Crabtree Publishing Company, 2006. - 32 strony : fotografie ; 25 cm.
(The World of Insects Series)
From giant termite mounds to intricate hives, Insect Homes provides children with a fascinating description of the many types of homes that insects build. Kids will be surprised to learn the amount of work it takes for these tiny creatures to create "a place to call home." In this interesting and easy-to-read book, children will learn about - The reasons why insects build homes - The materials insects use to create shelters - The different homes that solitary and social insects make - How social insects, including ants and termites, work together to build homes. Description source: https://www.amazon.pl/Insect-Homes-Bobbie-Kalman/dp/0778723798.
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Wypożyczalnia Piotrków
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 114822 (1 egz.)
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From giant termite mounds to intricate hives, Insect Homes provides children with a fascinating description of the many types of homes that insects build. Kids will be surprised to learn the amount of work it takes for these tiny creatures to create "a place to call home." In this interesting and easy-to-read book, children will learn about - The reasons why insects build homes - The materials insects use to create shelters - The different homes that solitary and social insects make - How social insects, including ants and termites, work together to build homes. Description source: https://www.amazon.pl/Insect-Homes-Bobbie-Kalman/dp/0778723798.
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